15 Useful Spanish Expressions You Should Know

15 spanish expressions

Written by Diana Luciana

June 9, 2022

Do you know which are the most common Spanish expressions? 👀

Enrich your Spanish vocabulary and learn how to be witty in a new language. Sometimes all you need to know is the right saying.. and when to use it. At the same time, it’s a good opportunity to test your language skills and maybe even stretch your interpretation skills.

Popular Spanish phrases

You can go for something simple, such as vale (ok, alright.) Or go for a funnier idiom, for instance, ser pan comido (to be a piece of cake.) If you’re living in a Spanish-speaking country, try some of the local idioms or expressions in Spanish. For example, a popular expression in northern Mexico is luego luego (right away.) Most Spanish expressions are typical of the country or region they are from. So if you want to sound like a local, also get familiar with the most common Spanish expressions spoken in your region or country.

Have a look over the list I made and let me know in the comments which one is your favorite. Here are the top 15 Spanish expressions:

Best Spanish phrases and Spanish expressions

  1. Ser pan comido (literal translation: “to be bread eaten”) – It’s a piece of cake, it’s easy.
  2. Ponerse como un tomate (“to turn into a tomato”) – To turn red, to blush.
  3. El hábito no hace al monje (“the habit doesn’t make the monk”) – Clothes do not make the man.
  4. El amor todo lo puede (“love can do it all”) – Love will find a way.
  5. Luego luego (luego means “later” or “then” in Spanish) – Right away. Learn more here.
  6. Dar la vuelta a la tortilla (“to turn the omelet around”) – To turn the situation around, to turn the tables.
  7. Consejo no pedido, consejo mal oído (“advice not asked for, advice poorly heard”) – Someone who doesn’t ask for advice doesn’t want to hear it. Don’t give advice unless you’re asked.
  8. Meter la pata (“to put the leg on it”) – To make a mistake.
  9. Dormir a pierna suelta (“sleep with a loose leg”) – To sleep like a log, to sleep deeply.
  10. A lo hecho, pecho (“to what is done, the chest”) – Face up to what is. What is done is done.
  11. Encontrar tu media naranja (“to find your half orange”) – To find your other half, your perfect partner.
  12. Tener memoria de pez (“to have the memory of a fish”) – To have a bad memory.
  13. Mal del puerco (“sickness of the pig”) – This one is popular in northern Mexico and it means a state of lethargy and sleepiness that comes on shortly after eating a large or heavy meal: a food coma. Learn more about how to use it here.
  14. Los árboles no están dejando ver el bosque (“the trees aren’t allowing one to see the forest”) – You can’t see the forest for the trees.
  15. El mundo es un pañuelo (“the world is a handkerchief”) – It’s a small world.

Mexican slang: prieto and güero

These two are common in Mexico, and it’s common to hear them among friends. Prieto refers to any person with dark hair and skin, while güero refers to any person with fair hair and skin. There is no political connotation to these words, and Mexicans use them for both foreigners and compatriots. Learn more about these Spanish slang words here.

How to speak better Spanish?

Another way you can sound like a native Spanish speaker is by using filler words. Basically, the Spanish versions of “um” and “ah”. Pues (let’s see) and bueno (well) are good examples of Spanish filler words, which you can add to your conversations. Also take advantage of other Spanish expressions, such as dar ganas de or darse cuenta de, to express yourself more naturally in Spanish. And don’t miss out on the popular Spanish expressions with tener!

Which Spanish expression is your favorite? Drop your answer in the comments.

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  1. Charlie

    your blog is so helpful, im trying to learn spanish bc my friend and her family are fluent and its so embarrassing getting corrected on all of this so much, thanks sm !!!!

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