Do You Know What Quedar Means in Spanish?

Do You Know What Quedar Means in Spanish?

What does quedar mean in Spanish? And what does quedarse mean in Spanish? Discover what’s the difference between quedar and quedarse in Spanish. Do you have doubts about when to use each one of them? In today’s lesson, I’ll explain what both verbs...
Dar Ganas De in Spanish: How to Use This Expression?

Dar Ganas De in Spanish: How to Use This Expression?

Do you know what dar ganas de means in Spanish? 👀 In Spanish, we use the verb phrase dar ganas de, pronounced dahr gah-nahs deh, to say that we want, crave, or feel like having something. For example: Cuando estaba embarazada, me daban ganas de comer fresas todas las...
How to Use the Spanish Expression Darse Cuenta De

How to Use the Spanish Expression Darse Cuenta De

What is darse cuenta de in Spanish? Darse cuenta de, pronounced dahr-seh kwehn-tah deh, is a Spanish verb phrase that translates as “to realize,” “to discover” or “to notice.” For example, ¿No te das cuenta de que estás malcriando a...
How to Use Contestar And Responder in Spanish?

How to Use Contestar And Responder in Spanish?

How do you say contestar in Spanish? What about responder in Spanish? 👀 Have you ever wondered what’s the difference between contestar and responder? If you look it up, you’ll see that both mean “to answer” in English. That can be a little...
The Best Ways to Say Now in Spanish

The Best Ways to Say Now in Spanish

Do you know how to say “now” in Spanish? What about “right now” in Spanish? 🙌 Find out what is the difference between ahora, ahorita, and ahora mismo in Spanish, and learn new ways to say “now” in a new language. So what is...
How to Say “I’m On My Way” in Spanish

How to Say “I’m On My Way” in Spanish

How do say “I’m on my way” in Spanish? 🚀 Because the language has such a rich vocabulary, there are many possibilities for saying “I am on my way” in Spanish. The expression can have slightly different translations depending on its usage...

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