How to Ask for a SIM Card in Spanish While Traveling

sim card in spanish

Written by Diana Luciana

May 11, 2023

You packed your bags and are ready to go! But do you know how to ask for a SIM card in Spanish?

Imagine you’re traveling to a Spanish-speaking country and you’d like to have a local mobile plan. Besides the benefit of having data at the tips of your fingers, it will also make your travels safer and more enjoyable. Say goodbye to hunting for free wifi! Now you can actually enjoy that cup of coffee or cold drink instead of spending your whole time online.

Get a SIM card in Spanish

How do you say SIM card in Spanish? Easy! In Spanish, we say la tarjeta sim or la tarjeta chip. You can buy SIM or chip cards at most kiosks, gas stations, and phone operator offices. So even though your local cell phone carrier doesn’t cover the country you’re visiting, no problem. You can easily get a SIM card, add data to it, and enjoy your travels.

How to ask for a chip card?

Here are some Spanish phrases you should know:

  • Hola, ¿venden tarjeta chip (de.. Telcel)? – Hi, do you sell (Telcel) chip cards?
  • Hola, ¿aquí venden tarjeta chip? – Hi, are you selling chip cards here?
  • ¿Vende tarjetas de prepago? – Do you sell prepaid cell phone cards?
  • Una tarjeta chip, por favor. – A chip card, please.
  • Quiero hacer una recarga de cien pesos, por favor. – I want to make a hundred pesos recharge, please.
  • Quiero comprar tiempo aire. – I want to recharge my prepaid cell phone card.

TIP: You may be asked for a passport or ID when you buy a SIM card, so don’t forget to have at least a photo of your ID or passport. For example, I was asked for that in El Salvador, but rarely (if ever) in Mexico.

That’s all folks! If you want more Spanish lessons, download our free Spanish resource ebook and sign up for our weekly newsletter. Thanks ❤️

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